Chasing Light
I often wonder as I stagger out of bed hours before dawn, stumbling to the coffee maker, prying my eyes open, if maybe I shouldn’t have chosen a different hobby. One that would’ve let me sleep late on the weekends. It’s a short lived phenomena but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it.
After a few sips of coffee, that self doubt fades and the excitement comes again.
Before I know it, I’m geared up and out the door.
It’s actually kind of a blessing that photography aligns so well with mornings. Before the sun is up, there’s no one on the road. Everything is so quiet. Such a delightful contrast to just a few hours later when the when the grinding, thumping, blaring cacophony of society begins..
By the time I get to the park, or the trail, always my heart is once again filled with eager anticipation. The sound of gravel crunching under my boots, that first crack the beautiful orange glowing explosion that is daybreak through the trees, the birds waking, chirping, insects stirring.
What wonders will this world have in store?
Morning Bokeh