The shots you don’t take

Was there ever a time when travel was glamorous like they make it out to be in the movies? It always seems so fun and refreshing in the airline and hotel marketing campaigns. It would be great if it always was…

Most mornings we have the harrowing commute to the airport. The traffic is a dice roll, with everything on the line, every single time. Arrive and we’re greeted with the labyrinth of TSA lines. Past the check point and then we have to navigate an endless sea of raw humanity, wave after wave, breaking in front of us, as we make our way to our gate.

It’s a typical travel day.

The view from S3 at the ATL

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky

I love this quote. It applies to so many things in life. With photography, how many times do we see an interesting composition and then lose it forever because we didn’t bring our camera, or were in too much of a hurry to even take out our phone and take a shot?

Everything changed with 9/11. No question. Life is very precious and so much of life, this time that we have, is in how we see it.. Because of that, I think for some people travel will always be glamorous, for others it will always be just a commute.

What’s different for me today? It’s the weight of my backpack perched on top of my carry on. I’ve brought a camera body and a couple of lenses with me on this trip.

What’s changed for me is that I’m going to use them. I’m going to take the shot.

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Chasing Light

I often wonder as I stagger out of bed hours before dawn, stumbling to the coffee maker, prying my eyes open, if maybe I shouldn’t have chosen a different hobby. One that would’ve let me sleep late on the weekends. It’s a short lived phenomena but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it.

After a few sips of coffee, that self doubt fades and the excitement comes again.

Before I know it, I’m geared up and out the door.

It’s actually kind of a blessing that photography aligns so well with mornings. Before the sun is up, there’s no one on the road. Everything is so quiet. Such a delightful contrast to just a few hours later when the when the grinding, thumping, blaring cacophony of society begins..

By the time I get to the park, or the trail, always my heart is once again filled with eager anticipation. The sound of gravel crunching under my boots, that first crack the beautiful orange glowing explosion that is daybreak through the trees, the birds waking,  chirping, insects stirring.

What wonders will this world have in store?

Morning Bokeh

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